Portugal. Vila Sol Algarve offers for 145 Euros per night a single occupancy including breakfast, a conference room equipped, mineral water and soft drinks in the room; two coffee breaks and one buffet lunch with drinks. Terms and conditions: a minimum of 10 people, valid from 15th November 2008 to 31st March 2009 and is subject to confirmation depending on availability. Taxes are included. Add-on: one free guest, if 10 payed. runo.canhoto@renaissancehotels.com, www.renaissancealgarve.com
Portugal. Vila Sol Algarve offers for 145 Euros per night a single occupancy including breakfast, a conference room equipped, mineral water and soft drinks in the room; two coffee breaks and one buffet lunch with drinks. Terms and conditions: a minimum of 10 people, valid from 15th November 2008 to 31st March 2009 and is subject to confirmation depending on […]